IDÛ Interactive Inc Apps

Le Pays de saint Yves 1.00.16
Cette application vous fait explorer lesenvirons de Tréguier, cette contrée de Bretagne aussi connue sousle nom de Pays de saint Yves.Aussi bien sur place qu'à distance, ses 15 stations agrémentéesde plus de 150 images vous emmènent sur les pas de saint Yves. Touten vous présentant cet homme illustre, elles vont vous transmettreégalement de nombreuses anecdotes touchant au passé et présent decette région. Pourquoi le pont qui relie les deux rives du Jaudyest-il surnommé le pont "Canada"? Quel lien existait-il entre saintYves et le marquis de Lafayette? Qu'était ce que le rouissage?C'est cela et plein d'autres choses encore que vous allezpouvoir découvrir.(a version of this content also exists in English: The Land ofSaint Yves)This application makesyou explore the surroundings of Tréguier, this region of Brittanyalso known as Yves Saint Country name.Both locally and remotely, its 15 stations decorated with morethan 150 images take you in the footsteps of Yves saint. Whilepresenting this illustrious man, they will also provide you manyanecdotes relating to the past and present of this region. Why isthe bridge that connects the two banks of Jaudy is it called thebridge "Canada"? What connection was there between Yves saint andthe Marquis de Lafayette? What was that retting?It's this and many other things that you'll discover.(A release of this happy existe aussi en English: The Land ofSaint Yves)
The Land of Saint Yves 1.00.16
With this app you explore the surroundings of Tréguier, this partofBrittany also referred to as the Land of Saint Yves. In-situorremotely, its 15 stations that include over 150 imagesintroduceyou to Saint Yves. They not only tell you the story ofthisexceptional man, but also provide you with numerous anecdotesaboutthe past and present of this land. Why is one of the bridgeacrossthe Jaudy river nicknamed the Canada bridge? What wastheconnection between Saint Yves and the Marquis de Lafayette, aheroof the American Revolution? What is retting? These are some ofthemany things you will discover with this app. (une variante dececontenu existe aussi en français : Le pays de saint Yves)
Beloeil, bucolique et princièr 1.00.20
With this interactive tour, discover the ten villages of GrandBeloeil.
CIEAU 1080
Interactive experiences prepared by the Centre d'Interprétationdel'Eau.